AQOMI isn’t just a best-selling artist or a #1 rated creative agency—it’s a unique style of communication through simplicity. With beautiful art as the canvas and disruptive ideas as the jet fuel, AQOMI transforms concepts into visually striking and impactful creations. It’s more than just a brand; it’s a philosophy that blends minimalist design with bold innovation, redefining how we communicate, inspire, and connect through art and creativity.

Clean LinesClean Designs


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AQOMI is always building. His work has touched hundreds of millions around the world.

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Follow his journey through; art, fashion, branding, technology, business, and marketing.

AQOMI ( ah-koh-mee )

AlwaysLooking ForAccidents

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"Make it More Sexy"

Giving direction is an art form. You have to envision how other people view your product. It’s tough and requires real vision.

Design & Consulting
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The AnimalKingdomCollection

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Internationally Acclaimed
 AQOMI is to the media industry as Elon Musk is to electric cars - Gamechanger!”